
All about using SPA accounts in DocuSign

**CONTACT if you would like to use a SPA account in DocuSign. Currently a fix is needed in CalNet when setting up a new SPA account, or your process won't work. You don't need to do anything other than contact us, we'll take care of it, but creating a new SPA account will not currently work unless you contact us for this CalNet fix for your new SPA account. This is a temporary message and will be removed once the fix is made permanent** SPA accounts can have DocuSign accounts! This is a...

Lived Name GRLN

FAQ for Signers & Users What is the Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy, Often referred to as Lived Name?

Please see the GRLN website for a holistic overview of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy

How does DocuSign know my name?

Accounts in DocuSign “pull in” data from CalNet that are tied to your email address to reflect that name from [LDAP] the...

How Can I Share a PowerForm or Change the Owner of a PowerForm?

The best approach is to create a PowerForm as a Template in your personal DocuSign account, then, change the Sender of the PowerForm to another User or SPA account (the role PowerForm manager should not be required for the SPA account to send (or host) the PowerForm link, once created).

In this scenario, you would remain the Owner of the PowerForm. Here is technical information from DocuSign about PowerForms.

How do I move my Template from Demo to Production?

Open DocuSign Demo, on the home page, click Templates.

Select the template you want to move and from the dropdown menu on the right, choose Download.

Download the Template to a place you can retrieve it easily (e.g. your desktop) and DO NOT OPEN THE TEMPLATE file.

Open DocuSign Production, click Templates, click the yellow box New, and from the pulldown menu choose Upload.


How can I enable notifications of completed Envelopes?

Log into your DocuSign account.

In the top right corner, click the grey circle with your initials.

Scroll down to My Preferences > click Signing and Sending > click Notifications.

All notifications are pre-set to ON CLEAR the check box for any notification that you do NOT want to receive.

Click SAVE.

Your notification preferences are updated and the changes apply to all future envelopes.

Where do I find my Envelope ID?

An Envelope ID can be located in several places depending on your role in the transaction. Please see this DocuSign support article for specifics.