Lived Name GRLN

FAQ for Signers & Users

What is the Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy, Often referred to as Lived Name?

Please see the GRLN website for a holistic overview of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy

How does DocuSign know my name?

Accounts in DocuSign “pull in” data from CalNet that are tied to your email address to reflect that name from [LDAP] the CalNet Directory  DocuSign’s enterprise account was set up at Berkeley to be used by campus staff and faculty with an “” email address.

What’s UC Berkeley’s directory listing for me?

You can see your listing in the UC Berkeley Campus Directory here

Signing with a Professional, Lived Name for Campus purposes

 A person can sign using the name that they usually use for internal purposes within the campus, so long as the purpose of the signature is to evidence that they are the person who signed the document.

How can I change my signing name in DocuSign? 

You can make a change your Lived and professional name that appears in DocuSign by changing the source DocuSign uses to display a name. Here’s how and where to do that:  by Managing Your Name and Data Link. Please read below about the alternative of occasionally adopting another signature with the same account, you may not have to update your Directory listing if you don't want to.  

Signing with a Legal name for purposes of matching an SSN or other Government ID purposes (Grant Forms, Visa applications, Glacier documents)

The default in DocuSign is set up to use one's professional or Lived name (as pulled in from CalNet), and only when there is a need related to an external party (like a record made for the Federal Government) a User can create a second DocuSign signature using account settings in DocuSign. This would be a good solution to use if a User prefers to sign with their Lived name for most or all purposes, but on occasion must sign with a Legal name for the purposes of matching a state or federal ID or for other purposes. Essentially, a User can toggle between signatures in the same DocuSign account depending on the purpose and need of the signature. If a User's legal and lived name are the same, this is not necessary. 

Could Someone else besides me add a name to a DocuSign document to request my signature? 

Other ways a name associated with you could appear in a DocuSign workflow requesting your Signature; 

Bulk Send: The sender of the document could build a spreadsheet that contains the name they have on file for you, and email addresses; this name may or may not match a legal or lived name you have. 

A user in the signing order could directly Add a Signatory including a name and email address using the name they have on file; this name may or may not match a legal or lived name you have.  

A previously named signer could name another person to sign instead using “Specify a Signer” (ex: a minor student requests a parent's signature); this name may or may not match a legal or lived name you have. 

If you receive a DocuSign Document requesting your signature and your name is incorrectly listed, and you would like it changed or updated, you can reach out via email to the person who sent the document to you, request the document be sent again, and they can Correct the envelope, update your name and re-send it to you for your signature. Another option is, you can choose Decline to Sign the envelope, Or, if you or the sender need any help or support with this request please email and detail your request. We're here to help.

Do I have to sign using DocuSign?

If a Signer is concerned that signing any name conveys info they don’t want to share, they may choose not to use DocuSign, and have the right to opt out of signing electronically. In that case, they may choose to sign via wet signature. This should be accommodated by either sending a Word or PDF document for signature, and receiving a PDF or picture of the signed document in return. 

What are examples of university documents where a ‘legal’ name is required?

Generally, documents that the University provides to the federal government or in conjunction with a person's Social Security Number require the use of a legal name that matches state or Federal ID you have. 

This may include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Financial aid documents

  • Payroll records

  • Medical identification and records

  • Federal immigration documents

  • Tax forms (e.g., W2, 1095C, 1099)

If you have questions about the Lived Names Initiative, you can learn more and read Frequently Asked Questions here.

If you have questions about DocuSign you can email and we will reply as soon as possible. 

FAQ for Admins & Senders 

Is Legal Name confidential and classified Data? What level of classification does it have?

UCB's Privacy Office confirmed that along with the Security Office they determined whether or not to formally reclassify legal name data at UC Berkeley. They jointly decided NOT to issue a formal reclassification at this time or for the foreseeable future. Instead, they're recommending (but not requiring) teams to consider P3-level protections for legal name data. This is meant to balance compliance with the GRLN policy and guidance on appropriate protections. Note that P3 data (for records quantities totaling under 500) can be stored in DocuSign, for free, indefinitely. They can just live there. If you choose this option, reach out to us to learn how to use a SPA account that multiple people can access to request form signing. That way, if an employee leaves, the information is still accessible.  Refer to How to Use a SPA account here, and email us with your questions at

Electronic Workflow Data Collection Recommendations: 

Where the DocuSign Form or Template structure is not dictated by state or federal guidance, and has the option of formatting available, try to include options for filling in Name, Gender, and other self identifying options to extend generosity and accommodation as well as respect to the signer. Please review both the GRLN website FAQs and recommendations for ideas of how to address these issues when you have the option of designing your own workflow and business process whenever possible. You can also contact us for support and we can connect you to further resources. Please email We're here to help.